MY RECORD of service can demonstrate positive changes that have been made by liasing with a wide section of statutory and voluntary bodies within West Ward. 

It includes regular attendance at the local school, clubs for young people, social events for retired residents, and investigating, and achieving financial support and equipment across the spectrum of leisure activities.

Plans are in place to strengthen those links of leisure and practical interventions that will meet the challenges and changes within society and those specific to this area of the Borough. I consider that I have first-hand knowledge and experience of  considerations for social care for older and vulnerable residents, usable green spaces and play areas for younger children, better use of buses, and parking places that must be  adjacent to homes where the issue of access is linked to the achievement of personal independence.

I am convinced that working in partnership will continue to produce sustained improvements that will benefit both individuals and the community.  My vision of continuing service and close involvement can be judged through past success, as well as new energetic and committed groups in which I am closely involved.